Skill shortage solutions and manufacturing as a product

The skills shortage will be a limiting factor for companies' business operations, which will require new methods for production technology and training. The role of manufacturing is also becoming a part of the product offering, enabled by technology. Manufacturing as a product brings new layers on top of traditional manufacturing know-how.

Our service consists of analysing the necessary skills and tailoring the training needs for the company's personnel in cooperation with training providers. Manufacturing know-how and its renewal are worryingly behind the needs of industry in the Finnish educational environment, so managing this interface requires capacity with technical know-how.

Digitalisation of products, electrification and sustainable development set a new level for manufacturing, which means that future builders are needed to support management. Manufacturing is changing through information into a new product alongside the traditional physical product. Companies have to deal with new technology and the skills shortage at the same time. Learning analytics and the construction of simulator-based training offers opportunities for a faster learning path to become a productive resource for the company. For years, we have been doing pioneering work with our partners in the area of ​​educational technology, simultaneously utilising the results for product development.

We offer building a bridge to the growing gap between technology change and the need for skilled workers, which requires extensive cooperation between training providers and companies. This new, very broad interface requires resources, which the personnel focused on the company's own products do not have enough resources for.

Our location

Pirkkalaistie 1 37100 Nokia, Finland


+358 40 527 1000
